Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning: Why everyone needs it?

April 10, 2023by DMC Tour0

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: Why everyone needs it

Thorough oral hygiene at home ensures that the soft plaque formed after meals is removed from your teeth. But what about the hard-to-reach places where food particles clog up daily? Even the best and most expensive toothpaste, brushes, rinses, and flossing won’t remove the tartar.

As you know, tartar causes many problems with your teeth and gums. The surest way to avoid them is to make an appointment with a dental hygienist, who will remove all dental plaque and return your smile to its former beauty in just one visit, using special products and tools. In this article, we’ll tell you what methods of tartar removal have been used in the past and why ultrasonic teeth cleaning has earned such respect and love from doctors and patients.

Ways to remove plaque – outdated and modern

Since ancient times, people have tried to solve the problem of tartar. What means and devices were not used? People have tried to remove tartar with iron, bark, charcoal, tree bark, salt, chili pepper, coconut oil, and more. All this seems wild, strange, and unacceptable to modern people. How nice that science and technology do not stand still, but bring with them more humane and effective ways.

Mechanical cleaning

A few decades ago, mechanical cleaning with a special tool was the only method of removing the tartar. But what discomfort the patient had to endure during and after the procedure: pain, bleeding gums, increased enamel sensitivity? So even the procedure itself was not always of high quality: to remove the entire periodontal calculus with the instrument, it was necessary to spend a lot of time and then conduct follow-up procedures, which were just as unpleasant. Currently, manual cleaning is auxiliary: it is used to remove particularly hard deposits after the ultrasound.

Chemical cleaning

Dry brushing involves the use of special pastes that contain alkalis and acids. Despite the painlessness of the procedure, this method of cleaning teeth from plaque also has significant disadvantages. Firstly, chemical cleaning can not completely remove plaque under the gums, and secondly, the aggressive substances contained in the products, destroy the enamel and gums.

The above-mentioned ways of brushing teeth have long been outdated and are not used in modern dental clinics. And why should they? There is a more advanced, technologically advanced, and high-quality method of removing tartar – ultrasonic cleaning of teeth.

Ultrasonic cleaning

The advent of ultrasonic cleaning in dentistry has made life much easier for patients and doctors alike. Today, ultrasound tooth cleaning is the most common, safe, and effective method of removing hard dental plaque, including supra- and sub-gingival tartar.

In some civilized countries, ultrasonic teeth cleaning is part of the mandatory set of measures to combat major dental diseases.

What is an ultrasonic scaler?

The ultrasonic scaler is a special device for removing dental plaque. The device destroys tartar by the impact of high-frequency ultrasonic waves.

Removal of hard mineralized dental plaque, cleaning of hard-to-reach gaps above and under the gums, the destruction of pathogenic microbes, the prevention of dental caries, restoring the natural whiteness of enamel – all made possible with the advent of such an indispensable dentistry device as a scaler.

The technology of ultrasonic cleaning

First, the hygienist evaluates the condition of the teeth and gums. Then a suitable handpiece and nozzle on the scaler are chosen for each patient. The doctor begins to treat each tooth with ultrasound in turn. Under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations the destruction of tartar, removal of plaque from the tooth surface and the space under the gums, and flushing of periodontal pockets. The treatment ends with a thorough polishing of the teeth.

This procedure takes about 60-90 minutes – the length depends on the amount of dental plaque and how long the teeth have been cleaned professionally before. The result is the complete removal of soft and hard plaque from the teeth, including hard-to-reach interdental spaces. And you not only see the brilliant effect but also feel it, because the surface of the teeth becomes smooth.

Even though cleaning with ultrasound is a gentle procedure, in exceptional cases, with high enamel sensitivity or deep cleaning of the subgingival area, the hygienist may use a local anesthetic.


The primary indication for an ultrasound tooth cleaning is the presence of hard plaque. The following signs will help you determine if you have tartar:

  • Visible yellow-brown plaque
  • Itchy, bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • gum recession
  • tooth mobility

Ultrasound teeth cleaning is necessary even if you do not see any warning signs (we did not tell you about the hard-to-reach places for nothing. The procedure should be performed at least twice a year. As recommended by your doctor, the number of ultrasound tooth cleanings can be increased for patients with periodontal disease, crowns, dentures, veneers, or braces.

Children may have their teeth cleaned by ultrasound from when they have permanent teeth and only for medical reasons.


Although ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is the safest and gentlest method of removing plaque, it, like any other medical procedure, has several contraindications, among them:

  • Systemic chronic diseases (endocarditis, asthma, bronchitis, epilepsy, etc.)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Hepatitis, HIV, AIDS
  • Deciduous dentition
  • Allergy to the products used for cleaning
  • Acute respiratory diseases and acute respiratory viral infections

Tips for taking care of your teeth after cleaning with an ultrasound

  • Don’t eat or drink for the first two hours
  • Brush your teeth after each meal for the first two days, if possible
  • Give up smoking for 1-2 days.
  • During the first week, you should eat a diet that is sparing in its consumption, avoid sour foods, spicy foods, and hot and cold foods.
  • When brushing teeth, floss and use a toothbrush for sensitive teeth, as well as toothpaste with soft bristles.
  • Eat hard fruits and vegetables

Numerous positive reviews of tooth brushing with ultrasound show that this method really can effectively and painlessly remove even the most stubborn and dark plaque while reducing the risk of tooth decay and returning teeth to their natural whiteness. In terms of cost, this procedure is much cheaper than the lengthy treatment of plaque.

At DMC Tour Dentistry, ultrasound tooth cleaning is performed in a set of procedures called denticures. It includes:

  • Monitoring the quality of home hygiene
  • Training in proper brushing techniques and selection of hygiene products
  • Removal of hard plaque using Air-Flow
  • Ultrasonic removal of dental plaque
  • Teeth polishing
  • Remineralizing therapy and fluoridation of enamel
  • Periodontal consultation

According to dentists, only in this complex professional oral hygiene can achieve aesthetic, preventive, and curative results in full.

Still, have questions? Ask us.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of ultrasonic cleaning of teeth together with other hygienic procedures. Timely removal of soft and hard plaque prevents the development of many dental diseases. The habit of going to the hygienist at least twice a year should be as normal for everyone as brushing your teeth every morning and evening.


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